HQV Category Grower Report page

This document will cover how to filter and run the HQV Category Grower Report
This report shows HQV results grouped by event category and harvest location. Results are shown as the percent match for each harvest class size/color.
Bigger lots contribute more to the percent match than smaller lots, regardless of the number of scans.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE.

For more information on how to access this report, please contact support@croptracker.com.

To be able to run this report to its fullest you will need to set up Harvest Classes:

Step-by-step Instructions


  1. From the Dashboard, select the Reports page.


  2. On the Reports page, select HQV Category Grower Report.

  3. Filter the report as needed and hit Apply. See screenshot and filter explanations below:


  4. Report Filters:
    Date Range: Select the date range you would like the report produced.
    Event Categories: Choose the category or categories that you want to filter by – this will only show scan results associated with the harvest event that was selected.
    Crop: Use the crop type selection to limit the report results to a specific crop type.
    Variety: Use this to limit the varieties that are evaluated for results.
    Lot Code (checkbox): Adds a Lot Code column with a bullet list of each lot.
    Tracking Code (checkbox): Adds a Tracking Code column with a bullet list of each bin.
    Harvest Location Category (checkbox): Adds a Harvest Location Category column with a bullet list of each category.
    Harvest Classes: Use this option to choose the harvest classes you would like to use as the source for the report size and color columns.  All Harvest Class Size and Harvest Class Colors contained in the given Harvest Class will be added as report columns.
    Harvest Class Sizes: Use this option to add additional Harvest Class Size columns to the report, can be instead of Harvest Classes to add size columns or to augment the existing Harvest Classes with additional sizes.
    Harvest Class Colors: Use this option to add additional Harvest Class Color columns to the report, can be instead of Harvest Classes to add color columns or to augment the existing Harvest Classes with additional colors.

  5. The report will generate given selected filters and can be exported using the export button in the table. See screenshots and report column breakdown below:

Report Columns:

  • Event Category: The event category assigned to this event

  • Grower: The Farm/Grower the inventory/scan belongs to

  • Area: The Block/Row this inventory/scan belongs to

  • Variety: The variety contained in the given lot

  • Start Date: Shows the start date that the event was created

  • End Date: Shows the end date, if specified, of the event

  • Units: The number of units recorded for the given lot

  • Unit: The unit type

  • Scans: The number of HQV scans that were evaluated for results

  • Results: The number of actual fruit detected in the scans

  • Comments: Any comments attached to the event

    • Size Columns: Harvest Class Size columns from the selected Harvest Class or Harvest Class Size report filters

    • Color Columns: Harvest Class Color columns from the selected Harvest Class or Harvest Class Color report filters


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