HQV Transaction Report
This document will cover how to filter and run the HQV Transaction Report.
This report looks at harvest vision scans against harvest inventory that has been shipped or received against a transaction.
For more information on using the Harvest Quality Vision module, see the main instructions page linked HERE.
For more information on how to access this report, please contact support@croptracker.com.
Note: To add an HQV scan to a Harvest Event please head to Harvest Quality Vision 3.0: Mobile Scanning Procedure for HQV with Harvest Module and follow the instructions.
To be able to run this report to the fullest you will need to set up Harvest Classes: Creating Harvest Classes
Step-by-step Instructions
To generate information in this report, harvested inventory needs to be scanned using the HQV module and attached to a Transaction using the Order Desk module.
1. From the Dashboard, select the Reports page.
2. On the Reports page, select ‘Harvest Quality Vision Transactions Report’.
3. Filter the report as needed and hit Apply. See screenshot and filter explanations below:
Report Filters:
Date Range: Filters the report for a given date range. Transactions with HQV scan data linked within the date range will appear.
Harvest Classes: Use this option to choose the harvest classes you would like to use as the source for the report size and color columns. All ‘Harvest Class Sizes’ and ‘Harvest Class Colors’ contained in the given Harvest Class will be added as report columns.
Filter Blocks: Filters for specific blocks/growing areas to report on.
4. The report will generate given selected filters and can be exported using the export button in the table. See screenshots and report column breakdown below:
Report Columns:
Date: the date of the transaction
Farm: The Farm the inventory belongs to
Block: The Block this inventory belongs to
Row: The Row this inventory belongs to
Variety: The variety contained in the given inventory
Transaction #: The Transaction Number of the Transaction this inventory is attached to
Tracking Codes: All tracking codes of bins scanned
Units: the number of units associated with the Transaction
Unit: the type of inventory unit
Source Event Category: any Event Categories assigned to the Harvest event the inventory is sourced from
Scans: the number of scans associated with the transaction
Results: the number of detected fruit within the associated scans
Avg. Size (mm): average size of detected fruit
Std. Dev. (mm): standard deviation between all detected fruit
Custom Harvest Class columns to follow based on filter
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