HQV: Size Similarity Finder Report

This document will go over how to filter and run the Harvest Quality Vision Size Similarity Finder report.

Enter desired sizes or size ranges and rank HQV scan results by the closest match.

To run this report, you need the Harvest Quality Vision module.

For more information on how to access this report, please contact support@croptracker.com.


Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. Login to your Croptracker account through your browser.


  1. From the Dashboard, select the Reports page.

 3. On the Reports page, select Harvest Quality Vision Size Similarity Finder Report

  1. Use search parameters in the report as needed and hit Apply. See the screenshot and search parameters explanations below:

Search Parameters:

  • Date Range: The date range the report will search in

  • Harvest Classes: The harvest classes you will use to best match with

  • Lot Code: The lot code you can limit the search by

  • Crop: The crop types you can limit the search by

  • Varieties: The varieties you can limit the search by

  • Areas: The blocks you can limit the search by

  • Inventory Status: The status of the inventory


  1. This report will generate a table to enter the desired size given the harvest classes or size range selected in the filters:

  1. After entering your desired sizes and pressing search the report will generate a ranked list based on how close it matches your search parameters. Based on your parameters, the Lot Rank column will order each lot by closest to least matched.

  1. Pressing the Compare Lot button next to the lot will show you a comparison of your desired sizes vs actual size.

Report Columns:

  • Lot Rank: Number showing the best-matched search parameters

  • Lot / Inventory: Information about the best-matched inventory/lot.

  • Input Date: The date of the HQV scan

  • Tracking Code: The tracking code associated with the HQV scan

  • Area: The block/row the HQV scan was taken against

  • Crop: The crop associated with the HQV scan

  • Variety: The variety associated with the HQV scan

  • Room: The room the inventory was put into

  • Amount: The amount of bins this scan represents

  • Available: The amount of available inventory this scan represents

  • Unit: The unit type of the inventory was in

  • Event Ref: The event associated with the HQV scan


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