CLV Validation: Tree and Bin Scanning

This document contains and instructions and methodology for testing CLV fruit detection by linking scanned trees with bins scans of harvested fruit just from that tree. For information on this process and accessing the Crop Load Vision beta module, contact



Description and Instructions

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Description and Instructions

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Tree/Variety Selection and Set Up

  • Identify the growing areas/varieties and trees within these blocks that you will be returning to for scanning throughout the season. See linked instruction for growing area upload process.

  • Mark the trees and ideally name/number them uniquely for specifying within CLV events. See download link for template for tree identification card.

    • Several sample trees per variety is ideal.

    • Choosing trees that represent what most of trees within the block look like is important.

      field where tree name is populated on the app
  • Ensure these growing areas/varieties are mapped within your Croptracker account.

    • Optionally, the number of trees within the block, the size of the block and ideally the ‘tree row volume’ would also be captured within Croptracker’s mapping system for reporting and calculations post scanning.


Tree Identification Card Template

Tree Scanning

  • Set scanning device preference settings for crop load scanning. See linked instruction on accessing and changing preferences.

  • Scan designated trees using CLV throughout the season

    • Ideally weekly, but scanning throughout season where fruitlet sizing/crop load sampling would normally take place is also fine.

    • Depending on crop type, tree size and growing style, scanning directions may vary. Scanning while standing in one place, about a foot away from the tree, in a metre square is recommended for this experiment. See linked document for more detailed scanning instructions.

  • Optionally count fruit on the tree and record within Croptracker under the ‘Advanced’ drop down on the tree.


Bin Scanning

  • Check/set scanning preference for HQV scanning (default for apples/large stone fruit is fine). See linked instruction on accessing and changing preferences.

  • Harvest fruit from a single sample tree into bin

  • Scan fruit from that tree several times before adding additional fruit from other trees to the bin. See linked instructions on HQV event set up and scanning.

    • Linking information between tree and HQV scans is important. Ideally put the tree number in the lot code field of the HQV event you are scanning against and be sure to select the correct growing area/variety.

    • Add several scans of the harvested fruit is possible

  • Ideally, scan more bins from the same block to increase sample size.