How to Record Storage (Browser)

How to Record Storage (Browser)

This step-by-step guide describes how to set up a storage event with inventory (raw product) sourced from a harvest.

Storage events can also be created automatically while harvesting raw product.

For more information see the following guides:

Storage events require harvest inputs. This means you must have other events recorded that create either harvest inputs (i.e. Harvest events).

Storage Event Wizard

  1. From the Dashboard click the New Storage button. Or from the menu at the top of the page expand the Storage menu and click the Record Storage menu item. This will take you to the storage event wizard.

  2. On the 1. Details step of the wizard enter the Storage Date for this event.

  3. For GAP report compliance enter the Responsible Person and select Yes or No for Responsible Person Assessed Site.

  4. Enter any Comments or Notes relating to this event if applicable.

  5. Click the Next button to continue.

  6. On the 2. Input Sources step select the raw products you want to store.  Use the Event TypeStart Date, and End Date filters to limit the results on this page if necessary.

  7. Click Save and Continue to Inputs to start storing inputs.

Recording Storage Inputs

To open the Storage Inputs screen:

  • From the dashboard click the dropdown next to the storage event and click the Input action.

  • Or from the storage event wizard click the 2. Input Sources tab and click the Save and Continue to Inputs button.

If you do not see any blocks or Store Harvest buttons on this page, then you do not have any inputs selected for this storage event.

Click the Edit Event button to return to the storage wizard to select your inputs.

Store a Harvest

  1. Click the Store Harvest button.

  2. In the pop-up enter the Amount you want to store or leave as is to store the entire load.

  3. Select the LocationAisleRow, and/or Rack to add the input to storage. You can also type in a new LocationAisleRow, or Rack if necessary.

  4. Select or enter a Customer if applicable.

  5. Specify any Notes if applicable.

  6. Click the Save button.

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