HQV 3.0: New Variety Calibration Scan Instructions

HQV 3.0: New Variety Calibration Scan Instructions


This document contains instructions for taking 'calibration' measurements and scans. This process is required when adding a new crop or variety to the Harvest Quality Vision system. Croptracker has developed crop type profiles that may work right away, however, some varieties or even regional differences may make it necessary to provide training scans that can be used to create a new profile.
To complete this process you will need the Harvest Quality Vision module and a compatible LiDAR device.


Step by Step Instructions:

The following video will show you how to set up your calibration scans with step by step procedure written below:


1. Gather and layout fruit

  • Gather 20-25 pieces of fruit of varied sizes.

    • There is currently no particular criteria for the fruit to choose; but having a wide range of small, medium and large fruit is preferred to calibrate the low and high ranges.

    • If pre-sorted fruit is available it is helpful to scan sets of 20 from a small, medium and large selection and write the known sorted count size in the HQV Event notes field.

  • Place fruit in a numbered grid format

    • Layout fruit in a grid with each place marked clearly in bold marker/typeface

    • Fruit should vary in the direction it faces and which side is facing up if possible

See example fruit layouts below:




2. Hand measure the fruit and and record fruit size in Croptracker.

  • Hand measure the fruit in each grid and record results to using the ‘Size Calibration Inspection Template’.
    See screenshots and measurement methods examples below.

    • In the Croptracker mobile app, create an HQV Event.

      • Enter the lot code and or comments to mark this event as calibration scan set


      • Choose an area with matching variety and/or crop type for what is being scanned and enter a unit count and type  (i.e. 1 Bin).


    • Hit ‘Add Inspection’ at the bottom of the screen

    • Select ‘Size Calibration Inspection Template’


    • Record the size of each fruit in the corresponding grid number on the app

      • Scroll through using the arrow button at the top of the grid to add next measurments

      • *Note: you can change the number of specimens you are scanning if you have more than 25 pieces of fruit

    • Back out using arrow in top left corner of app screen when all measurements have been recorded.

Example measurement methods below: 

Measurement Method

Measurement Method

Produce Measuring Gauge:

  • Record the diameter of the fruit.

Digital Calipers:

  • Record both the widest and narrowest diameter of the fruit.

Measuring Tape:

  • Record the circumference of the fruit.

3. Scan Fruit in HQV event with Size Calibration Inspection Template attached.

  • Hit ‘Start Scanning’ at the bottom of the HQV event


  • Scan fruit in grid

    • Avoid scanning other objects or background area if possible. Using a large box or empty table surface is ideal.

    • Take several scans and rotate the fruit within it’s grid if possible.

    • Upload scans for processing.

Notes on scanning:

  • Keep the camera level and parallel to the fruit while scanning.

  • Rotating the fruit to random orientations and taking additional scans of the same lot can be useful.

  • Depending on the commodity you are scanning, the HQV preferences may need to be adjusted. See linked page here for more details or contact support@croptracker.com with questions.

4. Contact support@croptracker.com to notify Croptracker team of annotation scans when process is complete.


Alternate Steps 2, 3 and 4 (Not recording measurements in Croptracker)

2. Hand measure the fruit and create a spreadsheet.

  • Hand measure the fruit in each grid and record results to a simple spreadsheet.

    • Note: If you are not using millimeters for measurement please make sure to indicate your actual units in the spreadsheet column headers.

    • Note: Ensuring the correct measurement aligns with the correct fruit in each grid is very important.

  • Save the spreadsheet using a filename that indicates a unique Lot Number that will be used for the scan(s).

    • i.e.  If the lot was named 'Apples-Honeycrisp-May01-2020-01' could be saved as "TrainingData-Apples-Honeycrisp May01-2020-01.xls" )

Measurement Method

Spreadsheet Example

Measurement Method

Spreadsheet Example

Produce Measuring Gauge:

  • Record the diameter of the fruit.


Digital Calipers:

  • Record both the widest and narrowest diameter of the fruit.


Measuring Tape:

  • Record the circumference of the fruit.


3. Take the scans:

  • In the Croptracker mobile app, create an HQV Event.

    • Enter the lot code that will match the spreadsheet file name you've created in Steps 1-2. 

    • Choose an area with matching variety and/or crop type for what is being scanned and enter a unit count and type  (i.e. 1 Bin).

  • Scan fruit

    • Avoid scanning other objects or background area if possible. Using a large box or empty table surface is ideal.

    • Take several scans and rotate the fruit within it’s grid if possible.

4. Send notice of scans and spreadsheet to support@croptracker.com