HQV: Class Size Report (Placeholder)

This document will go over how to filter and run the HQV Class Size Report.
This report provides a brief visual overview of HQV results classified by size within a given date range with optional selection of variety and area.

Harvest vision class size report tallies the number of HQV results (apples) which match the size ranges defined within the selected harvest classes.

There is no submit button; but selecting options please wait a moment to allow the chart to refresh.

Please Note: If you are reporting using multiple Harvest Class Sizes where min/max ranges overlap then the total percentage of product reported may exceed 100% as product could match more than one size range.
For more information on how to access this report, please contact support@croptracker.com.


Step-by-step Instructions


1. Login to your Croptracker account through your browser.


2. From the Dashboard, select the Reports page.


3. On the Reports page, select ‘Harvest Quality Vision Class Scan Report’



4. Filter the report as needed and hit Apply. See screenshot and filter explanations below:


Report Filters:

  • Date Range: Filters the report for a given date range. Transactions with HQV scan data linked within the date range will appear.

  • Chart Type:

    The chart types will allow you to divide the class results by additional criteria.  

    • By Class:

      • Provides a simple class-based total for all results.

    • By Variety:

      • Provides class based results broken-down by variety.  This is useful if you have not already defined varieties for your harvest classes.

    • By Area:

      • Graph will be divided by individual growing areas where the product was harvested.

  • Harvest Classes:

Use this option to choose the harvest classes you would like to display sizes for.

  • Varieties:

If your harvest classes do not contain varieties you can use this to limit the varieties that the harvest class sizes are evaluated for.

  • Filter Block(s):

If you would like to limit the results to a specific area of your farm use this map selection to select the areas you would like to use.

Possible Use Cases:

  • This report can be useful to have running on automatic refresh through out the day if you would like to monitor the sizes of fruit being received/scanned.

  • It can be used to course correct pickers if being used in the orchard or a pack shed/receiving bay near an orchard.

  • It can give a good idea of the size ranges you have available for inventory, storage and sales decision making.

  • It can also be used to get a clear picture of your average sizes compared season over season, or area by area. This can be useful in long term decision making about how to treat, manage or change growing areas.