Using the Worklog Exception Reports

Using the Worklog Exception Reports

This document contains information on using the Worklog Exception Reports. You will need the Punch Clock module to access this feature.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE

For more information on adding Punch Clock to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com


If an employee's piecemeal harvest payout doesn't seem to be correct, here are a couple troubleshooting steps to run through:

Is the worklog flagged as piecework?

Croptracker will not account for pieces picked against a worklog without the 'piecework' flag set. To find worklogs that aren't flagged as 'piecework', but during which pieces were picked, run the Exception Report: Missing Piecework Flag. To edit worklogs and set the piecework flag, use the Punch Clock Admin's "Adjust Selected" tool (tip: sort by the "Piecework" column). More details on Bulk Editing with the Punch Clock Admin can be found here.

Does the employee's pay schedule have a piece rate defined for the type of piece?

Run the Exception Report: Pieces With No Payout to find instances where an employee picked a piece, but the system couldn't calculate a piece rate. Check the employee's pay schedule and make sure they have a Harvest Piece Rate defined that matches the type of piece they picked, and if there isn't one, add it.

Incorrect piece rate assigned?

To change the piece rate on a set of pieces, navigate to the "Harvest Inputs" screen of the harvest event during which the pieces were picked. Click the "Bulk Edit Inputs" button, check the checkbox indicating you'd like to update the Harvest Piece Rate, select a new Piece Rate from the dropdown, and click Save.

Was the piece not attributed to the employee's worklog?

It's possible to record harvest inventory without selecting a picker. To find instances of this, run the Exception Report: Pieces With No Picker. If you identify a piece which likely should've been attributed to this employee, navigate to the "Harvest Inputs" screen of the harvest event during which the piece was picked. Find the piece in the list (tip: use Ctrl+F to search for the date or Tracking Code), click the Edit button, select the employee's worklog from the dropdown, and click Save. Note: the employee must have a worklog in that block at that time to show up in the dropdown.

Is the piece being attributed to the wrong worklog?

Manually editing worklogs start/end times or inserting breaks could result in pieces being attached to worklogs during which they weren't actually picked - potentially impacting the hourly vs min. wage calculation. To find instances of this, run the Exception Report: Orphaned Pieces. This will find harvest pieces that don't match the worklog they're linked to (different block or outside time range), and suggest a worklog that might be a better match

Too many hours: forgot to punch out

If an employee seems to have too many hours, run the Exception Report: Worklogs Over Max Hours and use the Punch Clock Admin to bulk edit. More details on Bulk Editing with the Punch Clock Admin can be found here.

Missing lunch break:

Run the Employee Payroll Report. This report groups by employee by day, so click the "Piecework Hours" column to look for hour totals greater than however much they should've worked (i.e. if they normally work 8hours with a 30min lunch break, look for days with 8.5 hours worked). Use the Punch Clock Admin to bulk insert breaks. More details on Bulk Editing with the Punch Clock Admin can be found here.

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