How to Create a Piece Rate
This article will outline setting up piece rates for piecemeal payouts.
If this is your first time setting up an employee and a piece rate, you'll need to follow the set-up steps outlined in our Setting Up the Punch Clock Module tutorial video below.
For more information on setting up the Punch Clock module see Punch Clock
Step-by-step guide:
From the Dashboard navigate to Punch Clock→Piece Rates
Select the blue +Add Piece Rate button to open the piece rate window
Enter the name, default rate, and the unit that your employees will be paid by
A piece rate’s unit MUST match the unit they will be harvesting by in a harvest.
If you are paying for different units depending on the harvest -
Example: Bins vs. 1-Litre Baskets
you will need to create a piece rate for each of these units for an employee to be paid out correctly.
Select the activities that you want this piece rate to be associated with
For a piece rate to show in a harvest event, the rate’s activities MUST include “Piecemeal Harvest”
For a piece rate to show in a production practice event, the rate’s activities MUST match the acticty that was performed.
Save your piece rate by clicking the blue Submit button