How to Create and Use Work Categories

This document contains a how-to step by step guide on how to set up Work Categories. A work category is a user-defined "bucket" that time can be recorded against and reported on. You will need the Punch Clock module to access this feature.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE

For more information on adding Punch Clock to your Croptracker account contact

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Under the Farm Manager drop-down menu choose Categories.

  2. From the Category manager click + Add Category to add a new category.

  3. Give the category a Name and optional Description, and make sure the category type is set to Activity. Only categories with the Activity type can be attached to a worklog.


  4. Click Save.

  5. Now when punching in/out employees in or switching activities, you can select the category you want the time to be attributed to.

You can see worklog categories and filter worklogs by them on the: