Harvest Crew Productivity by Crew Report

Harvest Crew Productivity by Crew Report

This article contains information on the ‘Harvest Crew Productivity by Crew’ report. It requires both Harvest and Punch Clock modules to access and generate. In order to run this report properly, your account needs to be set up with growing areas, employees, work crews, work logs and harvest events with inventory.

For more information on setting up your employees, work crews, or general help with the Punch Clock setup process, see Punch Clock, https://croptracker.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DAKB/pages/83001368, How to Create Work Crews or get in touch with us at support@croptracker.com

Goal of Report:

The Goal of the report is to able to see how many units harvested total a crew has picked across all the blocks they were in. The report will show the selected crew and all the dates, blocks, and varieties on one row in the table. The report will make separate rows for different weight units and volume units;

ex. Crew 1 was in block A, B, and C. In block A and B they picked into bins and they used Pounds as the weight unit. In block C they picked into a bin but used Bushels as the weight unit. The report recognizes this by creating two separate rows for Pounds and Bushels for the work crew.

Step by Step Guide:

  1. Login to Croptracker via the web browser

  2. Hit the ‘Reports’ tab in the top screen menu

  3. Search for or select ‘Harvest Crew Productivity Report by Crew’ report from the list

  4. Filter the report with the relevant date range and crews and growing areas as need


  5. Hit ‘Apply’ to generate the reports. An example display is shown below.

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