Activity Timesheet Report
This document will go over how to filter and run the Activity Timesheet Report.
This report shows worked hours by activity for each employee.
This report will also show ‘Non Working Hours’ and deduct the hours from the ‘Total Working Hours’ column.
To run this report, you need the Punch Clock module(s).
For more information on how to access this report, please contact
Step-by-step Instructions
1. Login to your Croptracker account through your browser.
2. From the Dashboard, select the Reports page.
3. On the Reports page, select ‘Activity Timesheet Report’
4. Filter the report as needed and hit Apply. See screenshot and filter explanations below:
Report Filters:
Date Range: Filters the report for a given date range.
Employees: Filter by a list of employees
Work Crew(s): Filter by a list of work crews
Category(s): Filter by a list of event categories
Production Practice: Filter by a list of production practice types
Production Practice Activities: Filter by a list of production practice activities
Filter Block(s): Filter by selected farm blocks and/or rows
5. The report will generate given selected filters and can be exported using the export button in the table. See screenshots and report column breakdown below:
Report Columns:
Last and First Name: The employee’s name.
Activity: The production practice activity the employee worked.
Total Hours: The number of hours the employee was punched into a block or row within the production practice event.
Total Working Hours: Will aggregate hours worked against activities connected to the “non-working” production practice type.
Comments: The comments on the worklogs for the given employee and dates.
Dates: A horizontal list of each day within the selected date range and the total worked hours within each day.
Totals: At the top of each employee, there is a totals line that will total all hours and working hours.