Configure RFID Bot Actions

To make a bot perform an action when an RFID tag passes it's necessary to configure the actions via the Bot Actions page.

Navigate to the Bot Actions by going to the Farm Manager top menu, choosing RFID Manager and then choose List Actions from the menu on the left side.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click the +Add New Action button in the upper-right.
  2. Enter a Label for the bot action
  3. Choose the Bot from the dropdown
  4. Choose the  RFID Tag States from the dropdown; these represent the states which this bot action will respond to.  Tags that don't match this state will be ignored.
  5. Choose the appropriate Driver for the action you want performed by this bot.


DriverAction Performed when RFID read
Harvest_DefaultRFID Tags configured for a harvest event will produce a harvest input.
Packing_DefaultRFID Tags belonging to a harvest input will be automatically added to a packing event.
Harvest_Packing_DefaultRFID Tags configured for a harvest event will produce a harvest input and be automatically input to the most recent packing event.
Storage_DefaultRFID Tags belonging to a harvest input will be automatically stored to the Tagbot's location (unless otherwise specified).