Managing Preferences in Croptracker

Managing Preferences in Croptracker

This article describes where users can review and change Croptracker account preferences, like time zone and default unit system.

Step-by-Step guide

  1. Navigate to Farm Manager, and choose Profile.

  2. Select the Preferences tab on the left side menu.

  3. See below for more information on what each preference controls.

  4. Click Save to apply any changes made.


Time zone

  • Controls the local time zone used when recording data. This should be set to match your computer's time zone as well as your phone or tablet.

Default Unit System

  • Choose whether to use Imperial or Metric units for display and when recording information.



  • Collapse report blocks lists: If enabled, long lists of blocks in reports will be collapsed by farm or crop where possible. If disabled, the full list of blocks is always shown.

  • Show support chat: If enabled, a green support chat bubble will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen on the web.


Need a little more support? Not sure you’re using your Croptracker account to the fullest? Get in touch with an expert at support@croptracker.com. You can also book 1-on-1 training with a Croptracker expert at Croptracker - 1-on-1 Training