How to Record Processing


  1. Navigate to the Dashboard

  2. Click the blue button labeled New Processing

  3. Fill out the relevant fields and click save as required

  4. Under Available Inventory select the inventory that is to be processed and click Process Selected to move the inventory to the Input lane. At this point the inventory is considered “reserved” to be processed

  5. Once in the Input lane you can select the inventory to be processed and click the Process Selected button. This will create a copy of the inventory in the Output lane that represents the results of the process.

  6. In the Output lane you can select the resulting inventory and then click the three dots to open a dropdown to select Edit Inventory

  7. When editing the inventory you can change the inventory Weight and Harvest Class

  8. If you need to add additional inventory in the Output, you can click + Add Inventory

  9. To add inventory to the next process you select the inventory in Output and click Add Selected Items to New Process. This will create a new processing event with the same Lot Code and add the selected inventory to the Input lane of the new event.

Adding inventory from one process to another allows users to “chain” processes together.

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