How to cancel/change/remove subscriptions

How to cancel/change/remove subscriptions

This article will outline the process to change or remove subscriptions in your Croptracker account.
For more information or help managing your subscriptions, contact us at support@croptracker.com


  1. Head to the User Admin page



  2. Press Edit on the user you want to change/remove the subscriptions from


  3. Once you have selected the user you want to change/remove the subscription from you can you unselect the subscription from the User Access and it will prompt you with a popup asking if you want to keep this seat open for someone else. if you want to keep this subscription you can click keep open, and if not you can click Remove seat, which removes the subscription entirely.

    The prompt that will pop up:


  4. After you have decided what to do with the subscription press the save button.

Keep open: Keeps your subscription and will generate a charge when your next billing cycle comes.

Remove Seat: Removes the subscription entirely and will not generate a charge when your next billing cycle comes.


If you would like to keep the subscription to add to another user see: How to move subscriptions to other users

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