Field Maps

Field Maps

This article describes the field mapping structure used in Croptracker. To get the most out of Croptracker you will need to have entered accurate field definitions for each of your blocks.

To move straight to mapping your blocks, see https://croptracker.atlassian.net/l/cp/2gW4SNA5

Creating your maps is a one time setup item, before you begin creating events. When you record a spray, or harvest, or production practice you will be able to select which farms/blocks/rows you have done, or will do that activity in.

In Croptracker the relationship between you and your blocks looks like this:

  • Organization (Your Company Name)

    • Farm (Farm X, Orchard Y, Vineyard Z)

      • Block (East Gala, 2010 Red Haven)

      • Block (South Gala)

      • Block (Early Goldens)

    • Farm (Second Orchard)

      • Block (2008 Red Haven)

Everything works a lot like an organization chart - your Organisation is at the top, followed by the Farms, then Blocks, and rows.

By setting up your blocks in this hierarchy it will be easy to select all of the blocks in one farm, or your entire operation when recording events, or running reports. It's also easy to select blocks by crop, variety or planting date.

Entering your blocks is quick and easy - you can add more or less detail, and you can even draw the map of the block for quick reference, or to print for simple to follow work orders.

Optionally, you can enter row level data.  In this case, your hierarchy relationship would look more like this:

  • Organization (Your Company Name)

    • Farm (Farm X, Orchard Y, Vineyard Z)

      • Block (East A)

        • Rows (East A Gala)

        • Rows (East A Honeycrisp)

        • Rows (East A Ambrosia, etc.)

For more information about mapping mixed blocks, or mapping more than one variety to a block please see the article Map Multiple Mixed Varieties in a Single Block.

To move straight to mapping your blocks, see How to Add Your Maps

I can't edit my maps?

If your maps are provided to us by a third party (your growers association) they may not be directly editable by you. If you think that this may be the case please open a support ticket with us so that we can contact you with further information about how to update your maps. 



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