Chemical List Subscriptions

Chemical List Subscriptions

This step-by-step guide describes how to unsubscribe from chemical lists.  Croptracker has numerous different chemical lists that are added to your account when you sign up. The lists are based off of your region and country you operate in. You will automatically be subscribed to lists applicable for your region. To remove your subscription to certain lists, follow the steps below. You will need the Spray module to access this feature.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE.

For more information on adding Spray to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com.


  1. Select Farm Manager in your top right hand corner.

  2. From the drop-down, select Chemicals.


  3. On the left hand side, there is a list menu. Select Chemical List Subscriptions.


  4. On the right hand side, select the blue edit button

  5. Drag and drop chemical list from Subscription Order to Un-Subscribed.


  6. Press Save.

The Subscription Order is used to determine which version of a chemical's properties and information you want when there is more than one available to you.

In some cases, a Federal label may not be restrictive enough for you, and you can create your own version of a chemical to over ride the Federal PHI/REI. Putting your organization at the top of the subscribed list will mean your version of a chemical will always over ride a global version.

For more information on creating your own versions of chemicals, see How to Create a New Version of a Chemical.

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