How to use the Spray Location Tracker

How to use the Spray Location Tracker

This document contains a step by step guide on how to use the Spray Location Tracker. You will need the Spray and Punch Clock modules to access this feature.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE

For more information on adding Spray and Punch Clock to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com


Before following these steps, ensure that you have Croptracker Users with linked employee profiles. For more information please click on these links:

  1. Login into Croptracker on the Web, or on your Mobile Device.

  2. Navigate to the spray module and begin by creating a new spray event.

    1. For creating a spray event on the web, follow these instructions.

    2. For creating a spray event on your mobile device, follow these instructions.

  3. Once you have created your spray event with the appropriate areas you are sprayer as well as the chemicals, login to the Croptracker Mobile App.

  4. After logging in, navigate to the spray module.

  5. Once in the spray module, select ‘Spray Location Tracker’.


  6. After selecting the spray location tracker, you will see a list of spray events. Select the event that you will be performing your spray application on.


  7. Once inside the event, you will see a list of blocks with the button ‘Start’ beside them. To start applying your spray application, select ‘Start’. Once you start spraying the area, the button will change to say ‘Stop’.

  8. To finish spraying an area and move onto the next, simply select the ‘Stop’ button beside the block/row.

  9. Repeat the process for each block/row until you are done applying.

Note: Everytime you select the ‘Start’ button on each area, you are creating a worklog for the user of the device. Everytime you select ‘Stop’, you are closing that worklog.

The PHI/REI for each area will be dictated by the end time of the worklog on each block.

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