Event Categories

Event Categories

This guide will describe how to add categories that can be used to group your events. 

You can add a category to events to group them with custom tags - for example, if you will be harvesting for export, you can create an export event category to tag all your harvests for export. 

For more information on adding modules to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com

In the example below we will create a category called "First Pick" that we can apply to harvest events that are the first pick that season. 

Step-by-step guide:

  1. From the Dashboard navigate to Farm Manager → Categories


  2. Click on the blue Add Category button in the top right corner of the screen


  3. Give the category a Name and optional Description, and make sure the category type is set to Event. Only categories with the Event type can be attached to events.

  4. Click Save

  5. Your event category can now be selected when creating Harvest, Spray, or Production Practice events.


These categories can be seen on some reports - such as the Harvest Inventory Report, the Harvest Quality Vision Ranked Size and Color by Lot Report and the Agrochemical Application Record. For more information on how to best use event categories, please contact support@croptracker.com.

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