How to Record Spray Events and Spray Plans

This step-by-step guide describes how to set up a Spray event or a Spray Plan.

Spray Events and Spray Plan use the same interface to enter data. However, the data recorded in a Spray Plan will not appear on any reports until it is converted to a regular Spray Event. This is useful for planning for potential sprays as it only takes a few clicks to toggle the spray after application.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE

For more information on adding Spray to your Croptracker account contact


  1. Before recording a Spray Event or Spray Plan:

    1. Make sure you have entered your chosen Chemicals into your Chemical Inventory. This will ensure that Croptracker can build accurate reports on your chemical use and cost. To get started with this, see Chemical Management.

    2. Make sure you have entered your sprayer information and properties under Equipment. See Equipment Management.

  2. Recording A Spray Event or Spray Plan

    1. To start recording your spray event, you can click the New Spray button (See image 1) or the Record Spray button under the Growing menu (See image 2).

      Image 1
      Image 2
    2. To start recording your spray event you can click the New Spray Plan button (See image 3) or the Record Spray Plan button under the Growing menu (See image 4).

    3. The following steps apply to both Spray Events and Plans.

  3. Filling out a Spray:

    1. If you have a Saved Treatment, select one to populate chemicals, sprayers, and target pests for this spray. To create a saved treatment, see How to Create a Treatment Template.

    2. You will be taken to the Add Spray Screen. Enter at least the Spray Date Start and Spray Date End and Weather information and optionally select the Reason for Spray, Growth Stage, and Target Pest if applicable, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Next.

    3. Select areas to apply this treatment too. Select blocks using the map or the Select Area(s) by Farm/Block and Select Area(s) by Variety selection (if present). When you have selected your areas you can proceed by clicking the Next button.

    4. Select the Trade Name, then add the Amount and, Output Rate of each chemical in your tank mix.

    5. Either select a Pre-Calibrated Sprayer from your Equipment List or manually enter the Total Sprayer Output Rate, Tank Size, and Sprayer Calibration Date and select the Method of Application. Afterward, you can enter the Responsible Person and (if applicable) the Responsible Persons’ license.

    6. Enter the Applicator's Name and Pesticide Applicator's License. Then check off any related Safety Equipment used and click Next.


    7. At the top of the page, you will be shown the PHI and REI times for this Spray Event. See PHI/REI (Pre-Harvest Interval/Re-Entry Interval) for more information.


    8. Confirm the Chemical Amounts per block, and the Number of Tanks if you used a pre-calibrated sprayer. Add any Comments and Notes and click the Save button.

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