How to Record Fertilizer Applications

How to Record Fertilizer Applications

This how-to guide describes methods for recording fertilizer applications.

If you have several custom fertilizer blends, and you want to track inventory levels of each, the best approach is to create a chemical for each blend.  If you don't need to track inventory levels, and don't need to see historically which blend you have applied than you can use the build in 'Custom NPK' chemical for all of your fertilizer applications.

You will need the Spray Module to record fertilizer applications. For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE.

For more information on adding Spray to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com.


The step-by-step guide assumes you want to track each custom fertilizer blend for historical & inventory purposes.

  1. Under the Farm Manager menu select Chemicals.

  2. Click the Add New Chemical button.

  3. Enter your blend as the Common Name and Trade Name i.e. 20-0-0 Fertilizer.

  4. Select Fertilizer as the Chemical Type(s).

  5. Click the Add button.

  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each blend i.e. 20-0-0 Fertilizer.

  7. Record a spray application as normal, adding your new fertilizer to the tank mix.

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