PHI/REI (Pre-Harvest Interval/Re-Entry Interval)

PHI/REI (Pre-Harvest Interval/Re-Entry Interval)

This article will cover the definitions and basic functionality of PHI and REI within Croptracker. You will need the Spray module to access this feature.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE.

For more information on adding Spray to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com.


The Pre-Harvest Interval and Re-Entry Interval dictate how long to wait after spraying a block before it can be safely harvested or re-entered.

PHI (Pre-Harvest Interval)

The time interval (in hours) that must pass after spraying a chemical before the block can be safely harvested. You can choose to receive a notification after this interval has passed when recording a spray event.

Harvest events will indicate whether the pre-harvest interval has passed for each block being harvested.

REI (Re-Entry Interval)

The time interval (in hours) that must pass after spraying a chemical before workers can safely enter the block area. You can choose to receive a notification after this interval has passed when recording a spray event.

Harvest events will indicate whether the re-entry interval has passed for each block being harvested.

Field Packing and Production Practices involving re-entry will not warn you if the PHI or REI have not passed.

Viewing PHI/REI Status

Detailed PHI/REI information can be found in the following reports:

  • PHI/REI Report - The current PHI/REI for each block, and whether it has been passed.

  • Block PHI-REI Map - A map displaying whether the PHI/REI has been passed for each block.

  • PHI/REI Crop List Report - A list of the current PHI/REI of each crop for each chemical.

If the PHI/REI date has passed, it will appear blue with a checkmark.  Passed January 01, 2018 12:00

If it hasn't passed yet, it will appear red. Failed January 01, 2018 12:00

Setting the PHI/REI

Each chemical has a different PHI and REI for each crop. See How to Add a Chemical or (Placeholder) How to Create a New Version of a Chemical to set a chemical's PHI and REI for each crop.


Need a little more support? Not sure you’re using your Croptracker account to the fullest? Get in touch with an expert at support@croptracker.com. You can also book 1-on-1 training with a Croptracker expert at Croptracker - 1-on-1 Training.

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