How to Transfer Chemicals Between Sheds

How to Transfer Chemicals Between Sheds

This document contains a step by step guide on how to how to transfer chemicals between sheds. You will need the spray module to access this feature.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE

For more information on adding spray to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com


  1. Before you can transfer and manage chemical storage sheds, you will need to Create Chemical Storage Sites, and Track Chemical Inventory.

  1. Login to Croptracker on the web

  2. Navigate to the Farm Manager drop-down and select Chemical Inventory


  3. You will then be on the Chemical Inventory screen. You can select the Chemical Inventory shed that you would like to transfer from.


  4. In this example, I have 1000 oz of Admire in Chemical Supply Shed 1 and I would like to transfer 250 oz to Chemical Storage Shed 2. To achieve this, I will select the drop-down menu option for the chemical.

  5. You will then fill out a transfer form. Here you will fill out the number of units you will be transferring, where you are transferring it to, and any additional notes.

  6. Once you are done filling out the form, you will select Transfer.

  7. The amount you have specified has now been transferred to the other shed. You can generate chemical reports to audit these transactions.

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