Mobile App - Punch Clock Preferences Menu

Mobile App - Punch Clock Preferences Menu

This document contains a step by step guide on setting Punch Clock preferences on the mobile app.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE

For more information on adding Punch Clock to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com


1. Login to the Croptracker mobile app.

2. Navigate to the preferences menu by swiping right from the Dashboard and selecting Preferences.


3. Select Punch Clock from the list.


4. This will display the preferences for Punch Clock.


5. Select the preference to make changes to it. Once selected, you will be prompted to choose either selecting a new preference or you can go back to the previous screen by pressing the back arrow in the top left.

Punch Clock Preferences:

Punch in Workcrew: When a worklog is created via ā€˜Punch Inā€™, which workcrew should the time be recorded against.

  • The employeeā€™s current workcrew: Use the workcrew that each employee is currently part of.

  • The workcrew you manage: Use the workcrew where you are the ā€˜Workcrew Bossā€™.


Show Employees in Other Crews: Limits who appears on the punch in screen

  • All: Show employees from any crew. This is default

  • Only my crews: Hide employees who are in other users ' crews and employees who donā€™t have a crew yet.

For more information on how to set up work crews, see How to Create Work Crews.


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