How to add new users

How to add new users

This article will outline the process to add a user in your Croptracker account. For more information on managing users, see related articles linked below or the ‘Quick Start Guide’.

For more information or help managing your subscriptions, contact us at support@croptracker.com.


  1. head to the top right and select Farm Manager


  2. from the Farm Manager, you will get a drop-down from that drop-down select User Admin (You will only see this if you have the User Admin Subscription)


  3. You will then head to the top right and press Add New User


  4. Fill out the new user’s information, set up a random password, and then press Save.

  5. You will then be brought back to the User Admin screen and you will see the new user added to the table. You can then send the new user a password reset so they can set the password themselves by pressing the Down Arrow beside the Edit in the Actions column in their respective row and clicking send password reset email.

Linking an Employee to a User

If you have an employee in Croptracker to represent the user you created, you can follow these steps to do so.

  1. In the user creation screen, find the field called ‘Select Employee’.

  2. Select the employee that you would like to link to the user, then select ‘Save’.

  3. If the employee does not exist, follow these steps to create a new employee.

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