Harvest Quality Vision Set Up
Harvest Quality Vision Set Up
This is a menu page for the set up process need to use Croptracker’s Harvest Quality Vision (HQV) module. It includes the HQV Express and HQV Advanced Reporting Set Up steps.
For more information about adding the Harvest Quality Vision module to your account, or to get support from the team, feel free to email us at support@croptracker.com
To start scanning with HQV you will need a compatible Apple device with LiDAR. See the list of compatible devices linked below:
HQV and CLV Compatible Devices
To start off with Harvest Quality Vision you will need to have your Field Maps in Croptracker. This is where the system will know which way to detect and measure what is being scanned based on the varieties you have mapped. For HQV customers, minimal map information is needed and some customers opt for a ‘Bulk Upload’ process.
Harvest Quality Vision Preference Menu Options
Scanning: Best Practices for Harvest Quality Vision
Predictive Packout Ratio Reporting Set-up
HQV Color Capture for Harvest Class Color Set Up