Hue Explanation for HQV users

Hue Explanation for HQV users

This document contains information on Harvest Quality Visionā€™s colour detection system. See Harvest Class Colors for detailed instructions on creating Color Classes.

For more information on adding Harvest Quality Vision to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com

Ā  Hue and Color Detection

Croptrackerā€™s Harvest Quality Vision detects and reports on the hue values of scans taken.

In colour theory, hue is one of the main properties of a colour. Each hue in the colour spectrum is represented by a number from 1-360, corresponding to degrees on a colour wheel like the image below.


The image below depicts the degrees in numerical order:


Within Croptracker, the 0 value (red) is in the centre of our class creation and reporting, as shown in the images below.

Harvest Quality Vision Scans generates a hue histogram for each scan taken. All hue detected in the bin are grouped together in this histogram to represent the likely distribution of colours throughout the rest of the bin. Hue histograms can be grouped together in Croptrackerā€™s reporting by lot, growing area, variety, etc.

For more information on setting up colour classes and reporting see the Harvest Quality Vision knowledge base page.


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