HQV Color Capture for Harvest Class Color Set Up

HQV Color Capture for Harvest Class Color Set Up

This document contains a how-to step by step guide on how to properly capture color data for setting up Harvest Class Colors in Croptrackerā€™s HQV Advanced Reporting.

You will need the Harvest Quality Vision module to access this feature.

For more information on adding Harvest Quality Vision to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com

This process requires consistent lighting between color class creation and subsequent HQV scans. Meaning, the lighting used for Color Capture scans needs to be the same as the location where HQV will be used for color analysis.

Ā  Instructions

1. Gather fruit from one color grade for scanning. The more samples and scans you are able to take of each grade, the better.

Scanning for color grade set up requires a at minimum a few hundred samples of each color grade.


2. Create a Harvest Quality Vision event and use the Lot Code field to specify the color grade you are scanning.


3. Scan the fruit.

  • Ensure the lighting is consistent where you are scanning and is consistent with the lighting where you will be scanning bins in production.

  • Gather as many samples/take as many scans as possible of the same grade under the same color lot code.


4. Contact your Croptracker support staff once scans are taken. Croptracker uses graded scans to create color classes for testing.

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