Tracking Codes

Tracking Codes

This document contains an explanation about how tracking codes function in Harvest events. You will need the Harvest module to access this feature.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE.

Recording a harvest requires mapped blocks. See How to Add Your Maps to add your maps before you get started.

For more information on adding Harvest to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com


The tracking code is a unique identifier for a harvest from a single block at a specified date, usually generated in a Harvest event.

Default tracking codes can be generated in most contexts by clicking a Generate Tag button. Tracking codes are unique identifiers assigned to harvest inventory in either a harvest event or receiving event and will be attached to that specific piece of inventory in future packing, storage, shipping, or other events.

See How to record a Harvest Event and How to Receive Harvest Inventory for more information. As loads are harvested from a block in a harvest event or received in a receiving event, a load code is generated. This is added to the end of the tracking code to identify each load within a tracking code.

Example: 23AUG2017-APPLE1-001

Tracking Code

Load Code






A load may represent multiple units of harvest inventory. As harvest inventory is moved throughout Croptracker it may be partially stored, packed, and shipped. The tracking code is used to trace this information back to the source block where it was harvested.


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