Harvest Workflow: Scan Your Own Tags

This article will go over a popular harvest workflow. This workflow involves you using your Croptracker device to scanning your own tags to create new harvested inventory in Croptracker.

To be able to use this workflow you will need the following modules: Harvest

For more information on adding Harvest to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com.

Before starting with this workflow you will want to checkout the following articles for setting your account to be able to use this workflow optimally.



  1. Log into the Croptracker app on your mobile device.

You will want the following preferences turned on for this workflow:

Swipe right from the app dashboard → Press on Preferences → Press on Harvest → Press on Harvest Scan Code → External Tag - Camera

This will allow you to scan your own barcodes and qr codes into the Croptracker system.

  1. Make a Harvest event - How to Record a Harvest - Mobile App

  2. Press on the green ‘Choose Where’ button on the bottom of the harvest event.

  3. Once you select one or more areas the camera will be brought up.

    1. Scan your external tag using the camera camera


  4. Once you scan your external tag, you will brought to ‘Edit Harvest Input'

    1. Here you will assign the amount of units that your label represents along with the weight

    2. You can also assign employees and fill out any additional details

  5. Once you have filled out the essential details for that piece of inventory, you can press the back arrow. You will be brought back to the input screen and you can continue to scan your tags as you go.