How to Record a Harvest - Mobile App
This document contains a how-to step by step guide on how to record a harvest. You will need the Harvest module to access this feature.
For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE
For more information on adding Harvest to your Croptracker account contact
This process is similar to making a new Harvest event on your web browser. In some cases, you may wish to create your event in advance on your computer, and then move straight to adding inputs in the field on your mobile devices
For more information about creating an event from your computer check out How to Record a Harvestarchived
Log in to the Mobile App on your compatible Android or iOS device - to get help with this checkout Log In on the Croptracker App
Tap the Harvest option from the list.
Tap the + button at the top of your screen this button will create a new Harvest event.
Once you are in the blank Harvest event, fill in the Start Date for the event to change the date if required. You can optionally set an End Date.
Next under the What menu, select Title and enter the event title.
Select the blocks you are harvesting by tapping the blocks category, underneath Where. If a block has not been selected it will say Please choose on the right side. This will take you to the list of blocks that you have created.
Note: If you have selected a lot of blocks in this event, you can use the Filter search bar when in the list of blocks. Type the name of the block, crop type, or crop variety in the text field at the top to quickly filter this list.
When you find the correct blocks, tap on them and they will change from blank dots to green ones indicating that those blocks have been chosen. Once you are done, hit the back arrow on the top left of the screen. Your blocks are automatically saved. You will be taken back to the harvest event, which will now show the blocks you have selected
Alternatively use the QR button in the top right corner to scan the locations QR - See instructions on how to print area QR codes.
Note: When you have added your blocks you will be prompted to add your inputs you can start by adding by following or wait until the last step in this article to start adding them.A default tracking code based on the date and crop type will be generated for each of the blocks selected. To create your own tracking codes tap the line that you want to edit, then record your own tracking codes.
You can add Comments or Notes for your own documentation, this can include the Area Harvested (if different from the calculated value), Packing Materials, Responsible Person, Responsible Person Assessed Site (may be applicable to certain reports), and any other applicable text you wish to enter.
When finished tap Done in the top right corner. Your harvest event has now been created, and you can move on to recording your inputs and tracking your inventory:
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