Creating Specs

Creating Specs

This document will go over the steps to create a Spec to be used in Inspection Templates in Croptracker’s Quality Control module. It will also cover the different types of Specs that can be created. For more information on the Quality Control module, or to add it to your account, contact support@croptracker.com.


Step-by-step Instructions


1. Log in to your Croptracker account.

2. From the dashboard hit Quality Control in the top menu bar.


3. Select Specs from the drop down menu.


4. Hit the blue ‘+ Add Spec’ button on the top right corner.


5. Add a Name and, if needed, a Description to the Spec.


6. Select the appropriate Spec Type* from the drop down menu.

*See bottom of page for more information on Spec Types

6 a. Note: When choosing a ‘Choice’ Spec Type, there is an additional set up step to add the choices.

'Choice' types.


Hit ‘+ Add Choice’.

Add a Label and, as needed, a Description. Hit ‘Save’ when done. Repeat process to add more choices.


7. Optionally, select the appropriate Unit type from the drop down menu.


8. Status will default to ‘Active’ for new Specs.


9. Hit the blue ‘Save’ button in the top right corner when done.




Spec Type Information Table

Spec Type


Format on App

Spec Type


Format on App

AI Feature Count*

displays the detected count of one or more AI Features



adds a single checkbox for the inspection



choose one option from a list



-tap + to count up and - to count down


Grid Checkbox

adds a checkbox for each specimen


Grid Checkbox Percentage

Will give you a percentage based on the number of specieman and check boxes checked off.

Grid Choice

choose one option from the list for each specimen


Grid Counter

a counter for each specimen - tap to increment and long press to edit


Grid Multi-choice

choose one or more option for the list for each specimen


Grid Number

a decimal number for each specimen


Grid Number Average

a decimal number for each specimen - will appear as a combined average in reports


Grid Number Total

a decimal number for each specimen - will appear as a combined total in reports


Grid Photos

attach one or more photos to a specimen


Grid String

a regular text field for each specimen


Grid Text

long form text field for each specimen


Grid Workcrews

Attach one or more workcrews to a specimen



choose one or more option from the list



a decimal number - can be negative



attach one or more photos


Specimen Average Pressure

The average pressure for an inspection

Specimen Brix

The brix level for each specimen in the inspection

Specimen Pressure

The pressure for each specimen in the inspection

Specimen Starch

The starch level for each specimen in the inspection

Specimen Starch Image

Upload an image of the starch test



regular text field



long form text field


Work Crew

allows selecting workcrews made in croptracker



Full screenshots below:

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