Mock Recall: Lot #

This document will go over how to filter and run the Mock Recall: Lot # report.

Trace back from pallets in a pack lot, then trace forward.

Example: On Date Y we received notification from an inspection agency that their surveillance sampling program found a positive result for Pest X on a unit of product. The product sample was taken from a distribution warehouse and had pack ID Z. We need to find out whose product is in the affected pack IDs, whether units of the affected product from the identified delivery date are in any other Pack IDs and where all potentially affected product went.

This report displays information from Harvest, Storage, Packing, Shipping, Receiving and Repacking events.

To run this report, you need the Harvest or Receiving, Packing module(s).
To be able to fully utilize this report the Shipping module is also recommended.
The Storage module is the only optional module.

For more information on how to access this report, please contact

Step-by-step Instructions


1. Login to your Croptracker account through your browser.


2. From the Dashboard, select the Reports page.


3. On the Reports page, select 'Mock Recall: Lot #’


4. Filter the report as needed and hit Apply. See screenshot and filter explanations below:


Report Filters:

  • Date Range: Filters the report for a given date range.

  • Show Available: Adds an Available node to the Sankey graph. Any inventory that hasn’t been shipped out will flow to the Available node

  • Pack Lot: Filters the report by the specific Pack Lot number (If left default it's the same as the event number) you designated in a packing event.

5. The report will generate given selected filters and can be exported using the export button in the table. See screenshots and report column breakdown below:

Snakey Graph: A visual representation of what has happened with the inventory that is attached to the Pack Lot. You can hover over the coloured nodes to see harvested, stored, packed and shipped inventory/pallets same with their respective tracking codes.

You may only see certain sections of the report depending on if you have all the modules recommended.

Mock Recall: Lot #: Packed Inventory (Summary):

  • Event Tracking Code: The tracking code generated/assigned at the inventories creation

  • Block: The block the inventory came from

  • Pack Lot: The pack lot number that the inventory was used in

  • Volume: The volume of the inventory used

  • Unit: The unit of the volume

  • Weight: The weight of the inventory

  • Unit: The unit of the weight

Mock Recall: Lot #: Harvest Summary:

  • Event Tracking Code: The tracking code generated/assigned at the inventories creation

  • Block: The block the inventory came from

  • Volume: The volume of the inventory

  • Unit: The unit of the volume

  • Weight: The weight of the inventory

  • Unit: The unit of the weight

Mock Recall: Lot #: Packing Summary:

  • Pack Lot: The pack lot number of where the product was made

  • Product: The product name

  • Supplier: The supplier of the product

  • Total Units: The total units used in each product

  • Total Weight: The total weight of the product

  • Total Unit: The unit of the weight

Mock Recall: Lot #: Shipping Summary:

  • Pack Lot: The pack lot number of where the product was packed

  • Product: The product name

  • Total Units: The product's total units

  • Weight: The weight of the units

  • Unit: The unit of the weight

  • Customer: The customer’s name of where the product is going

  • Destination: The address of the customer

Mock Recall: Lot #: Harvest:

  • Harvest Date: The date the inventory was harvested

  • Tracking Code: The tracking code generated for the inventory

  • Block: The block of where the inventory came from

  • Volume: The volume of the harvested inventory

  • Unit: The unit of the volume

  • Weight: The weight of the inventory

  • Unit: The unit of the weight

Mock Recall: Lot #: Packing:

  • Packed Date: The date the pallets were packed

  • Pack Lot: The pack lot number of where the pallets were packed

  • Pallet Tag: The pallet tag number assigned to the pallet

  • Product: The name of the product

  • Supplier: The supplier of the product

  • Total Units: The total units per pallet

Mock Recall: Lot #: Shipping:

  • Shipped Date: The date the pallet was shipped

  • Pack Lot: The pack lot number of where the pallet was made

  • Pallet Tag: The pallet tag number

  • Product: The product name

  • Total Units: The total units in the pallet

  • Waybill #: The waybill number attached to the shipping event the pallet was on

  • Truck ID #: The truck name that the pallet was shipped on

  • Trailer ID #: The trailer name that the pallet was shipped on

  • Customer: The customer’s name

  • Destination: The customer’s address

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