How to Send Bins
This document contains a how-to step by step guide on How to Add a Supplier to the Outstanding Bin Table. You will need the Outstanding Bin Balance module to access this feature.
For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE
For more information on adding Outstanding Bin Balance to your Croptracker account contact
Navigate to the shipping module dropdown and select ‘Outstanding Bin Inventory Balance’.
You can add suppliers by following this: How to Add a Supplier to Outstanding Bin Balance Table
Once you have suppliers added find the actions menu for the supplier you are trying to send bins to. Note that ‘Sending’ bins to a supplier creates a ‘Positive Outstanding Balance’ meaning that the supplier will owe you bins.
Once you have selected ‘Send’, a modal will appear asking you to input the ‘Date’, ‘Units’ and ‘Notes’. Once filled out, select ‘Send’.
Once you have sent units, you will be redirected to the list. That supplier will now have a positive balance of bins.
After you’ve recorded some data, you will also see unit totals for each unit.
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