Operation Name: The farm associated with the event(s)
Previous Year Crop(s): The Crop that was in the block the previous year
Current Crop: The current crop type that is planted in the block
Production Site Information: The site you are reporting on
Production Site Area: The total acres/hectares of the Production Site
Date Planted: The day the block was planted
Variety: The variety or varieties associated with the farm
Date: the date that the chemical was applied
Product/Trade Name: The name of the chemical used
PCP#: Pest control product registration number
Quantity Used: The quantity of chemical used on the crop
Rate Applied: The rate at which the chemicals will be applied
Label Instr. Followed: If the instructions were followed when applying the chemical
Area Treated: The growing area that the chemical was applied to
Application Method: how the chemical was applied to the crop
EAHD: Earliest Allowable Harvest Date after applying chemical
PHI/DAA: Pre-harvest Interval for applying chemical
Weather Conditions: The weather conditions when the chemical applied
Signature of Applicator: the person who applied the chemical to the crop