H1. Agronomic Inputs (Agricultural Chemicals) Report
This document will go over how to filter and run the H1. Agronomic Inputs (Agricultural Chemicals) Report.
This report includes all applications from pre-planting through to, and including, harvest. One form must be completed for EACH PRODUCTION SITE.
To run this report, you need the GAP Audits and Report and Spray module(s).
For more information on how to access this report, please contact support@croptracker.com.
Step-by-step Instructions
1. Login to your Croptracker account through your browser.
2. From the Dashboard, select the Reports page.
3. On the Reports page, select ‘H1. Agronomic Inputs (Agricultural Chemicals) Report’
4. Filter the report as needed and hit Apply. See screenshot and filter explanations below:
Report Filters:
Date Range: Filters the report for a given date range.
Crop Type: Shows data related to selected crop types. Crop type options appear based your field map.
Variety: Filters the report by selected variety.
Filter Block(s): Filters the report by blocks. There are two ways to do this - either click on a highlighted area on the map or use the checkboxes underneath. Pressing the + button next to the crop name opens a list of options to help you narrow down your area selection to a specific block or variety.
5. The report will generate given selected filters and can be exported using the export button in the table. See screenshots and report column breakdown below:
Report Columns:
Operation Name: The farm associated with the event(s)
Previous Year Crop(s): The crop that was in the block the previous year
Current Crop: The current crop type that is planted in the block
Production Site Information: The site you are reporting on
Production Site Area: The total acres/hectares of the production site
Date Planted: The day the block was planted
Variety: The variety or varieties associated with the farm
Date: The date that the chemical was applied
Product/Trade Name: The name of the chemical used
PCP#: Pest control product registration number
Quantity Used: The quantity of chemical used on the crop
Rate Applied: The rate at which the chemicals will be applied
Label Instr. Followed: If the instructions were followed when applying the chemical
Area Treated: The growing area that the chemical was applied to
Application Method: How the chemical was applied to the crop
EAHD: Earliest Allowable Harvest Date after applying chemical
PHI/DAA: Pre-harvest Interval for applying chemical
Weather Conditions: The weather conditions when the chemical applied
Signature of Applicator: the person who applied the chemical to the crop
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