How to Add an Input Type

This step-by-step guide describes how to create an Input Type for weather stations. Input types postprocess raw data from weather stations.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Under the Farm Manager menu select Remote Stations.
  2. Select List Input Types.
  3. Click Add Input Type.
  4. Enter the Type, Label and Description.
  5. Select the Parsed Data Driver. Drivers do specialized postprocessing on data not covered by the offset/multiplier/min/max modifiers. In most cases the Default driver will work.
  6. Enter any Driver Parameters in JSON format.

    The Humidity_Default driver must have a temperature_input_key matching the Input Key of a temperature input of the remote station:

    	"temperature_input_key": "Temperature"
  7. Set the Offset, Multiplier, Min and Max fields. If a data point is below or above the min/max after the offset and multiplier are applied, it will be set to the min/max instead.
  8. Add any Notes.
  9. Scroll to the top of the page and click Save.