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The punch clock admin system provides a powerful interface for manually adjusting, adding and removing punch clock entries for employees.

  1. Under the Punch Clock menu at the top of the screen, select Punch Clock Admin from the drop down menu.
  2. From the Punch Clock Admin you can:
    1. Filter the date range, activity, category and employees of work logs to display
    2. Select one or more employees and Adjust their Punch-In and Punch-Out time
    3. Select one or more employees and insert a Break
    4. Add Record for new Punch-In and Punch-Outs
    5. Delete existing Punch-In and Punch-Out records
  3. While editing or creating a work log you can:
    1. Change the Start / End time
    2. Choose the related Equipment, Activities, Blocks and Category
    3. Indicate the work log is for Piecework
    4. Review current harvest pieces and Delete or Remove Employee from a harvest piece

How to find worklogs during which bins were picked, but are not flagged as piecemeal:
- Punch Clock -> Punch Clock Admin
- Set date range -> Apply Filter
- Click the "Piecework" column header to sort by non-piecework first
- Hold shift and click the "Pieces" column header to sort by pieces descending

How to find worklogs over x number of hours (method 1)
- Punch Clock -> Punch Clock Admin
- Set date range -> Apply Filter
- Click the "Clocked Minutes" column header to sort by duration descending

How to find worklogs over x number of hours (method 2)
- Punch Clock -> Piecemeal Pay Report
- Set date range, Select All employees -> click Apply
- This report will display a warning in yellow with employee names who have worklogs over 15hrs

How to find days where employees didn't take a lunch break:
- Punch Clock -> Employee Payroll Report
- Set date range, Select All employees -> click Apply
- This report groups rows by employee by day, so click the "Piecework Hours" column to look for hours greater than however much they should've worked (i.e. if they normally work 8hours with a 30min lunch break, look for days with 8.5 hours worked)

How to find pieces picked without a piece rate
- Punch Clock -> Employee Payroll Report
- Set date range, Select All employees -> click Apply
- Click the "Piecework Peices Payout" column header to sort by piece payouts ASCENDING
- Hold shift and click the "Piecework Hours" column header to sort by piecework hours DESCENDING
- The top rows should now show days where employees worked many hours flagged as piecework, but with low (or no) payouts for the pieces they picked

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