Goal of Report:
The Goal of the report is to able to see how many units harvested total a crew member picked. The report will show the crew member labelled as “Picker”, their employee number, the total units picked, and the harvest class percentages.
ex. Picker A has 1 bin picked total, and that bin was picked in harvest class A. The row will display that pickers name, their employee number, “1” total bins picked, and since that one bin was picked in Harvest Class A, the harvest percentage for that harvest class is 100%.
Step by Step Guide:
Login to Croptracker via the web browser
Hit the ‘Reports’ tab in the top screen menu
Search for or select ‘Harvest Picker Productivity’ report from the list
4. Select a Date Range.
5. Hit the Apply button and a report will be generated within that given date range.
Here is sample data for how the report should look.