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This document outlines how to get the best scan results when using HQV 3.0. |
Practices for Completing a Successful Scan
When While you’re getting familiarized familiar with your new Harvest Quality Vision 3.0 (HQV) scanning system, it’s normal to need to practice a little practice in order to take an effective scan sample.
Paying Please pay attention the to any on-screen warnings , and sounds from the device will be the best indication of how to as they are there to help you take a good scan. Reviewing scan reconstructions on the Croptracker web browser as you get familiar with scanning can helpcan provide insight into how to achieve the best scanning method as well.
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Don’t hesitate to contact support@croptracker.com if you would like your scans reviewed. |
If you move the camera too slow, not enough images will be captured to make a quality scan. If you move the camera too fast, a warning will display on the screen. Moving the camera too fast may result in tracking loss and a decrease in scan accuracy.
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Continuous movement is important for a thorough scan result. We recommend moving the device over the bin , so that you have covered over the majority of the fruit within 10-15 seconds. |
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Check if there is anything blocking the light meter (like a finger!) or affecting the sensor. |
If you are scanning indoors in a dark area, there is a preference that can be enable that will enabled to trigger the devices device's flashlight to come on when scanning.
In some instances, the color accuracy is impacted negatively if the white balance is changes changed during a scan. This may be because the iPad has auto-adjusted the white balance to a range based on lighting conditions not reflective of the scanning environment. For example, if the iPad camera was in a dark settingplace, and then an you immediately attempt to scan is started immediately in a brighter lighting conditions place without any pause for auto-adjustment, white balance inaccuracies can occur.
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When scanning fruit smaller than the standard size (apples), the resolution of the images captured in the scan can be adjusted for better results. In the HQV preference menu, there are options for changing the default resolution of the scans. For fruit that is cherry size -sized or smaller, the recommended resolution is ‘Ultra High’. For fruit the size of a prune plum, the ‘High’ resolution setting is recommended.
You can assess the quality of your scan’s data capture after you tap the Stop button. Review the scan coverage by moving the camera around the area you just scanned to see that the fruit in the bin is covered fully and that you have not scanned anything else that is at a vastly different depth, like such as the ground.
You can also check scan quality by looking at the scan reconstruction on the web browser.
Note |
If you notice the reconstruction is not level, is missing large chunks of , or looks otherwise strange for any other reason, don’t hesitate to contact support@croptracker.com for review and further training. |