Date: The date of the harvest event.
Area: The area, block, or farm selected for this report.
Crop/Variety: The crop and variety planted in this area. These columns are all populated with information about the selected block. This information was added when you created your maps.
Volume Unit: The unit or container you are measuring harvest by (ie crates, totes, 2L baskets).
Volume Unit Label: If your volume unit has an additional label it will appear in this column.
Total Volume: The total volume of harvest inventory for this date.
Volume Average: The average volume of harvested inventory from the block
% Average: Compares the yield to the block average from previous harvests
Weight Unit: The unit of measurement used to track the weight of harvest (ie. Grams, Pounds)
Total Weight: The total weight of harvested inventory.
Average Weight: The average weight of harvested inventory from the block
% Average: Compares the yield weight to the block average from previous harvests
Crews: Any work crews who contributed to the inventory on the selected dates will appear here.
Harvest Classes: If you selected a harvest class at the time of the harvest event, it will appear here.