HQV Area Predicted Packout Ratio Report

This document will go over how to filter and run the HQV Area Predicted Packout Ratio Report.

Project packout percentage of product based on scan results by block or row.

This works by dividing the number of fruit scanned in each size band by the count per case to find how many cases that fruit represents. Then dividing by the total number of cases scanned gives the percentage contribution for each product. The product's harvest class is used to match scanned fruit to a product by size.

To use this report, you first need to set up the list of products you expect to pack out. Each product needs the following filled in:

  • Variety

  • Count Per Unit

  • Harvest Class representing the size band for that count.


For the Setup of the report see Predictive Packout Ratio Reporting Set-up

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE.

For more information on how to access this report, please contact support@croptracker.com.


Step-by-step Instructions


1. Login to your Croptracker account through your browser.


2. From the Dashboard, select the Reports page.


3. On the Reports page, select ‘REPORT NAME’



4. Filter the report as needed and hit Apply. See screenshot and filter explanations below:


Report Filters:

  • Date Range: Filters the report for a given date range. Transactions with HQV scan data linked within the date range will appear.

  • Area: Filter the results by the block or row

  • Product: Use the product selection to limit the report to only selected products.

  • Crop: Use the crop type selection to limit the report results to a specific crop type.

  • Variety: Use this to limit the varieties that are evaluated for results.

  • Lot Code (checkbox): Adds a Lot Code column with a bullet list of each lot.

  • Tracking Code (checkbox): Adds a Tracking Code column with a bullet list of each bin.

  • Harvest Location Category (checkbox): Adds a Harvest Location Category column with a bullet list of each category.

5. The report will generate given selected filters and can be exported using the export button in the table. See screenshots and report column breakdown below:


Report Columns:

  • Area: The origin of the bins

  • Start Date: Shows the start date that the event was created

  • End Date: Shows the end date, if specified, of the event

  • Grower: The Farm/Grower the inventory/scan belongs to

  • Variety: The variety contained in the given lot

  • Units: The number of units recorded for the given lot

  • Unit: The unit type

  • Scans: The number of HQV scans that were evaluated for results

  • Results: The number of actual fruit detected in the scans

  • Comments: Any comments attached to the event

    • Product Columns: Product Columns from the selected Product report filter

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