How to Delete a Chemical

This article describes how to delete a custom chemical that you may have added in error. The Spray module is needed to access this feature.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE.

For more information on adding Spray to your Croptracker account contact

Deleting a chemical does not affect existing spray records that use the chemical. The chemical’s information is retained in the database for reporting purposes, but it will no longer be available in your chemical list.


  1. Navigate to Farm Manger → Chemicals.


  2. You will then see the chemical list for your operation. Find the chemical you want to delete or enter the chemical’s name in the search bar, if that chemical is present on the list, it will be displayed.

  3. Click on the blue "View" button next to the chemical you want to delete.

  4. Scroll down to the label section and click on the blue arrow next to the edit button, and select "Delete".

If you are unable to remove the chemical from your list or the chemical remains unchanged after it is deleted, please contact support at

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