How to Add Your Maps

How to Add Your Maps

This document contains a step by step guide on how to add to your field map in Croptracker.

Why can't I edit my maps?

If your maps are provided to us by a third party (your growers association) they may not be directly editable by you. If you think that this may be the case, please open a support ticket with us so that we can contact you with further information about how to update your maps. For more information, see How to Get Support.


This video walkthrough demonstrates how to set up your maps. Written instructions are below.


  1. Log in to your Croptracker account in the browser.


  1. Navigate to the Field Map by clicking the Farm Manager drop-down in the top right corner of the page. Then select the Field Map menu item.   

a. Here you will see the list of all of the farms and blocks under your organisation. 

b. If this is your first visit to the Field Mapthen your list may just contain your organisation and a default farm to get you started.


  1. To add a block to your farm, click the down arrow beside the Edit Farm button above the map and choose Add Block from the drop-down menu. You will be redirected to the map view.


  1. Optionally, draw your block using the map drawing tool. This is described in more detail on our How to Draw Your Maps page.


  1. Enter your Block Name - we recommend including the planting date in the block name if you have more than one plant of the same variety elsewhere in your organisation.



  1. Select your Crop / Variety from the drop-down.

a. If the variety of your crop is not in the list:

i. Click the Add a New Variety button to add a new variety for your crop.

ii. Select the crop for your new variety in the Crop drop-down.

iii. Enter your new variety name in the Variety Name input field. 

iv. Click the Save button. Your new variety will then be selected in the Select a Crop / Variety drop-down.

To add a variety outside of the Field Map, see How to add a variety.

b. If your crop isn't on the list, please let us know via email (support@croptracker.com) to have it added.


  1. If you drew your maps, the Growing Area that is automatically calculated may need adjustment. You can override the calculated value by typing the correct area into the Growing Area field.


  1. Click Save to save your block. Your new block will appear in your farm and block list.


  1. Repeat these steps to add more blocks to your first farm.


  1. To add a new farm, use the Add Farm button above the table or to the right of your organisation name. Repeat the same steps above for adding blocks under those farms.


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