How to Print a Shipping Waybill

How to Print a Shipping Waybill

This document contains a step by step guide on how to print a shipping waybill. You will need the Shipping module to access this feature.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE

For more information on adding Shipping to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com

Ā  Instructions

  1. Login into your Croptracker account on the web.


  2. From the dashboard locate the shipping event you are looking to print the waybill of.

    1. Click edit next to the shipping event.


  3. Once in the shipping event make sure the event has been shipped - You can only print a waybill when the event has been set in the shipped state.

    1. Press the Print button and select Print Waybill - Here you will see a breakdown of your shipping event displaying all the products and raw inventory being shipped.

    2. The first section will display the Shipping Waybill:

      1. The first table will display the products you have shipped

      2. The second table will display the raw inventory (inventory that has not been packed)

    3. The second section will display the Shipping Receipt:

      1. This will show all the barcodes of the products and raw inventory being shipped in this event.

  4. Select the printer you will be using to print off this Waybill and press print.

If you are only shipping raw inventory or products you will only ever see one of the tables. Both tables only show when you have both types of inventory in the loaded lane.

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