Irrigation App Instructions

Irrigation App Instructions

This document contains a step by step guide on how to use the Mobile App to make an Irrigation Event. You will need the Irrigation module to access this feature.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked here.

For more information on adding Irrigation to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com

Ā  Instructions

1. Login to the Mobile App on your compatible Android or iOS device.


2. Tap on the Irrigation option from the list.



3. Tap the green ā€˜+ New Eventā€™ button at the bottom of the screen to create a new Irrigation event.



4. Next, select the source that will be associated with the event. Type keywords in the search bar to quickly filter this list.


a. To add a new source, press the + sign in the upper right corner.

b. Select the permit that your source falls under.

i. To add a new permit, press the + sign in the upper right corner.

ii. Type in the permit name.


c. Type in the source name.


5. After selecting a source, the new event will be created. Fill in the details as necessary.

The volume is calculated once a start reading and an end reading have been entered.


6. Tapping on the ā€˜Advancedā€™ section will open up more editing options.


  • Tap on 'Unit' to select the unit of measure for meter readings.

  • Tap on ā€˜Sourceā€™ to change the source of the irrigation event.

  • Tap on ā€˜Notesā€™ to add any notes to the event.


7. Press the three dots on the right side of an event in the event list to archive or delete an event.


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