Crop Load Preferences Menu

Crop Load Preferences Menu

This document contains a how-to step by step guide on setting preferences on the mobile app.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE

For more information on adding Crop Load Vision to your Croptracker account contact support@croptracker.com

  How to access the Crop Load Vision Preference Menu:

  1. Login to the Croptracker app on your mobile device.

  2. Swipe right from the Dashboard and select Preferences.


  3. Select Crop Load Vision from the list.


  4. You will see the preferences for Crop Load Vision



  5. Select the preference you will want to change/set; Once you are in the selected preference, you will be prompted to choose either select a new preference or you can go back to the previous screen by pressing the back arrow in the top left.


Crop Load Vision Preferences:

Prompt for percentage of tree scanned: set whether or not the app should show the “Percent of tree scanned” slider after each scan.


Default percentage of tree scanned: The default value for the “Percent of tree scanned” slider. If you consistently scan in the same way, on the same size plants, this can be helpful to set so you don’t have to adjust after every scan.


Minimum Confidence: Fruit is only counted or sized if it is recognized with at least this degree of confidence. The default setting is 80%.


Maximum Distance: This will set how far away the camera will look for fruit. The resolution of the camera and the LiDAR sensor work best between .5 and 2m. Beware when setting this distance that it does not cause the camera to detect fruit on row behind what you are focusing on.


Maximum Size: This will set what is the maximum size of fruit the camera will detect. If your fruit is generally smaller, this size can be adjusted down to ensure there are no false readings of larger through that affects the average size. If the fruit you are scanning can get larger than 100mm this should be adjusted up.


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