This guide will tell you how to record a Harvest Estimate using Croptracker.

The Harvest Estimate Module can be used to plan your harvests for the year and estimate your yields. 

Step-by-step guide

  1. From your Dashboard, click on the Harvest drop-down menu

  2. Select Record Harvest Estimate 

  3. Optionally, enter and Event Title, select the Event Status and the Category 

  4. Select the Harvest Estimate Date Start and the Harvest Estimate Date End (Note, these dates can be edited after the event is created if needed)

  5. Optionally, add Notes or Comments as needed                                        

  6. Under Harvest Estimate Details, click on the blue +Add Block/Row Estimate button 

  7. A window will open for you to enter your estimate information

  8. Select the Block/Row you will be harvesting from.

  9. Enter the Volume and Volume Unit or the Weight and Weight Unit of your Harvest Estimate

  10. Optionally, select a Harvest Class

  11. Press Save when you are done

  12. To add another growing area to this harvest estimate, repeat steps 6-11

  13. When you are done, hit Save in the top right corner

  14. Your Harvest Estimate will now appear as an event on your Dashboard

The Harvest Estimate Module is new and subject to further development and expansion

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