This document will go over how to filter and run the HQV Grower Room Variety Class Report. |
1. Login to your Croptracker account through your browser.
2. From the Dashboard, select the Reports page.
3. On the Reports page, select ‘HQV Grower Room Variety Class Report’
4. Filter the report as needed and hit Apply. See screenshot and filter explanations below:
Date Range: Filters the report for a given date range. Transactions with HQV scan data linked within the date range will appear.
Room: Filter and select for a room to pull inventory information about. *Note: This list will populate if you have the storage module.
Actual Harvest Class: Filter for a inventory that has been assigned a specific Harvest Class. *Note: This filter is for Harvest Classes assigned to the inventory when creating the event.
Crop: Filter for the Crop type as needed
Variety: Filter for the Variety as needed
Event Categories: Choose the category or categories that you want to filter by -- this will only show scan results associated with the harvest event that was selected.
More Columns:
Harvest Location Category (checkbox): Adds a Harvest Location Category column with a bullet list of each category.
Lot Code (checkbox): Adds a Lot Code column with a bullet list of each lot.
Tracking Code (checkbox): Adds a Tracking Code column with a bullet list of each bin.
Harvest Classes: Use this option to choose the harvest classes you would like to use as the source for the report size and color columns. All Harvest Class Size and Harvest Class Colors contained in the given Harvest Class will be added as report columns.
Harvest Class Sizes: Use this option to add additional Harvest Class Size columns to the report, can be instead of Harvest Classes to add size columns or to augment the existing Harvest Classes with additional sizes.
Harvest Class Colors: Use this option to add additional Harvest Class Color columns to the report, can be instead of Harvest Classes to add color columns or to augment the existing Harvest Classes with additional colors.
5. The report will generate given selected filters and can be exported using the export button in the table. See screenshots and report column breakdown below:
Room: If using the Storage Module, this column will show the room the inventory is in
Grower: The grower name associated with the inventory
Variety: The variety of the inventory
Harvest Class: The harvest class assigned to the inventory at time of creation
Start Date: The earliest start state of the event(s) the inventory belongs
End Date: The latest start state of the event(s) the inventory belongs
Harvest Location: The Harvest Location (farm/block/row) the inventory is from
Lot Code: The Lot Code of the inventory
Tracking Code: The Tracking Code of the inventory
Event Category: Any Event Categories assigned to the event the inventory is from will appear in a bulleted list here
Harvest Location Category: Any Harvest Location Categories assigned to the Harvest Location the inventory is from will appear in a bulleted list here
Units: The number of units within the inventory
Unit: The unit type (eg. bin, tote, ect.)
Scans: The number of scans taken of this inventory
Results: The number of results (detected fruit) within the scans
Comments: Any comments attached to the event
Harvest Classes: Harvest Class columns will appear depending on which one(s) were filtered for to generate the report and will display a percentage total on the results.
Harvest Class Sizes: Harvest Class Size columns will appear depending on which one(s) were filtered for to generate the report and will display a percentage total on the results.
Harvest Class Colors: Harvest Class Color columns will appear depending on which one(s) were filtered for to generate the report and will display a percentage total on the results.